11 February 2011

Farwell to a busy 2010 - Welcome 2011!

“Happy New Year!”

Ever wonder why we say that? What is it that causes us to wish one another a ‘happy’ new year? Sure, there are many other words that may accompany ‘happy’ (prosperous, peaceful, sober…)

But, ‘happy’. That’s the most popular, at least in America. I was thinking about that a lot as I sang in the New Year alongside over 200 Japanese international students & migrants, pastors & missionaries, youth, kids and other international and American university students… at the Equippers Conference held in Southern California.

The word that filled me that night was more than merely ‘happy’. Happiness depends so much on something outside of us, something that happens to us or around us. I was very much happy and inspired as I sang praise to God in Japanese with so many who have seen God’s marvellous light and are new followers of Jesus.
But as we counted down to 2011, the word that would describe the night even more was JOY! Absolute, divine JOY! And that comes from within. It doesn’t depend on circumstances but is a fountain, and the wellspring is God’s eternal love and forgiveness.

No matter what the circumstance or the trail or the tragedy, the fact of God’s love and the promise of eternal life can never be taken away. There is joy, as James the brother of Jesus so eloquently wrote, that we can have even as we endure suffering.

My prayer in 2011 for all my family and friends and for people from every tongue and tribe and nation, is that this would be the year of JOY. 喜び (yo-ro-ko-bi in Japanese). No matter what circumstances come your way, I pray you would somehow know the joy that comes from knowing the Creator of the universe personally. “The joy of the Lord is my strength.”

To experience a little of what God did at Equippers 2010, go to:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElY5aYuicDE It's AWESOME!

As 2010 comes to a close, students are celebrating the end of the academic year and finalising plans on how they will spend their 'summer'... most international students will return home for the holidays, or in the case of our grads... forever. It is such a bittersweet time for me. But, it's what God has called me to. To 'launch' His children according to His plan and purpose in the world.

December 10th was an awesome day. I was blessed to partipate in the Pathways College of Bible & Mission graduation for our ministry interns. What a joy to see not only the ISMNZ interns graduate, but all the students who have served with churches and missions organisations throughout New Zealand for the past one to two years. Another generation of equipped, god-centred amazing kids (well, "kids" to me) heading into the next chapter of God's plan for their lives and His kingdom. Wow! To even have played a small part in that is one of the main reasons I smile when I get out of bed in the morning (that and my coffee - heehee).
The 2010 Pathways Graduates!

This year we enjoyed graduation with our eight ISMNZ interns. Four of them are completely finished and have returned to their home countries (Japan & Vanuatu), although we are praying that Allen can return from Vanuatu to work and minister for another year with the Pacific Island students in New Zealand. Koyo, Masa and Aina have returned to Osaka Japan to join HEAPS of other returnees who love Jesus. All these received their year two Diploma and in Christian Leadership.

Koyo (with principal Craig), Allen, Masa and Aina!

Returning for more service & study in 2011 are Joel (who will remain in NZ after graduation to serve in Wellington amongst international students and migrants), Mayumi & Emma (carrying on in Auckland to serve with J2 Auckland), and Laurel (continuing to help our J2 ministry in Palmerston North this year). They received their year one diploma in Christian Ministry.


I've known Masa since September 2006 when he came to New Zealand to study English with hopes of getting into university. Masa is our "Rock Star" (though to the J2 'kids' he is Peace Boy). He is a gifted musician and the Lord has really blessed his life and ministry in the years he's been a student in New Zealand. Of course, he's also dear to my heart because he's marrying one of my Cardiff Chateau grads, Nozomi - in July 2011.

Masa completed his degree at Massey University in June 2010, and praise the Lord, he stayed on for a semester to do an internship with ISMNZ. He's been a critical blessing to the leadership of J2 Palmerston North for a long time, but especially this year as we went through a big change. Please continue to pray for Masa. He's back in Japan, got a job right away (God is GREAT) and is preparing for the wedding and married life. He is a gifted Bible teacher, and he and Nozomi will be an amazing team for Christ. They already are!

Masa and both his MOMS! :D

I guess it's not a secret anymore... I became "go ju sai des" (who reads romanji Japanese?)... the big one, the half-century - in December. But the parties started in early November and will continue through February! As I reflect on where God has brought me to this point, and how amazingly faithful and wonderful He has been to me - I love my life! And as long as He has ordained breath in my lungs and days for me to live, I will serve Him and give Him the praise due His Name. Thank you to ALL who have shown me love over this big day!

One of my special birthday dates! Yvette & Andrew spoiled me!

Have I said, "I love this job?" enough? Because I really do! God has done immeasureably more than I asked or imagined since I follow His path to New Zealand. One of my biggest joys has always been the relationship He gave me with Juliette Enid Westerlund! Since February 2004, she has been a daughter, a best friend, a disciple and sister-soul-mate. Enid was with me on our big adventure to Japan in 2006, and we continue to stay connected even living a few hours apart.
In early October I received a text from Enid. It was simple, "how are you? How's Cardiff?". That's all it took. The memories of her on my purple couch, of all the times and trials we went through together, of the laughter. Now she's back in Samoa, working hard and doing great in her career. But, with that text the Lord touched my heart and I realised, I hadn't fulfilled my mission in her life. She's my very first disciple in New Zealand, and a returnee, but I haven't been to her world, visited her family... so, the flight was booked and in late November, I was off for six days in Samoa.

What a blessing it was to worship with her family in their church. Wow! Awesome stuff. Her dad preached an amazing message about how to care for those who are 'infants' in Christ. I was blessed to be invited to share a message in the Sunday evening service. It was a joy and kinda scarey at the same time. One of the women in the church translated for me, and I made it through the message without too many tears!

Whew! After I made it through sharing the Word... on Monday we headed by ferry to Savai'i on a great adventure. It was a great time of encouragement for both of us. And, as usual, God used us as His team. Along the journey we met four international students (2 Germans, 1 Swede and a Mexican gal) who were on holiday after semester. They had studied in Auckland.
What an amazing time. We adopted them and invited them to come along in the Hilux. It was a great time to share our testimony of how Enid and I met, and why we were still close. Enid was a gracious hostess and tour guide, and shared a lot about the Christian heritage in Samoa. It was a 'team' time of showing the love of Jesus to these students... I know "Enido" and I have a lot more adventures to share!
Well, that should catch us up a bit. Thanks for reading all the way to this point :D!

1 comment:

Enid Westerlund said...

I am still his! (God's) are the words that come to mind when i read this blog mama. eventhough I feel I am not enough and hanging by a threat at times. It humbles me to know that through expanding HIS kingdom, we have expanded our families as well, as you are very much a big part of mine. Many more road trips together and may we 'lose' ourselves again to be found again with laughter!